


Began to spread to Suwannbhum, Sout East Asia. Buddhism reached Thailand in the 2nd or 3rd century BC and temples were built with adjacent dispenaries and medical schools. Medical institution and practices of the monastery went along as integral parts of the religious system.

Massage and other healing arts were taught and applied in the monasteries and within the family. In families is has been handed down from teacher to student to preserve the medical tradition for the longest possible time & make it available to the number of people and generations.


Thai massage from the monks is now in practice throughout Thailand, at massage schools, oldtraditional hospitals, in hotels and on the beaches.


The theoretical of Thai Massage is based on the concept that a life force of energy flow circulates throughout the body maintaining health a vitality. The life force is invisible current but can be felt and experienced. When the energy flow is blocked or restricted, it causes sickness or disease.


The Human Body


Remains healthy when it maintains its balance of energy. Working on energy points can relieve blockages and imbalance in energy channels. When energy flows and in balance, you feel good, energized, relaxed and free from pain and stiffness.


Thai massage is an interactive from of body. It is like having Yoga done to your body. Thai massage offer flexibility, internal organ massage, oxygenation of blood, muscle stretched relaxation, but can also be applied very deeply to target a therapeutic effect.


A good practice or masseur

Selects the techniques and sequeces according to the needs of the client. “Chaleysak massage is native massage. This massage have evolved to provide a variety of techniques and body positions.



There are four positions in this massage technique, spine position (lying on the back), side position (lying on the side), prone position (lying on the stomach or facing down) and sitting position.



“Rachasamnak massage” is a style modified by royal physician at ancient royal court. The massage is more deferential, gental, dedicate and precise.
